Saturday, February 29, 2020

Adolescence Is the Unhappiest Time in Most People’s

Adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people’s lives. Adolescence is the period of time in someone’s life between being a child and an adult. For some people it is enjoyable, for others it can be the opposite. There are several arguments in favor of adolescence. To begin with, teenagers have more free time than adults. In this time they can do after school activities, join clubs and do sports. In edition, teenagers get support from their parents. For example, parents pay for everything – their child’s studies, food, clothes and so on.That means teenagers don’t need to work. Last but not least, adolescence is the time when people can have many friends and they can go to lots of parties, when adults may work all day and have less free time. Furthermore, it gives teenagers different experience and it is a step to becoming an adult. As there are good points in favor of adolescence, there is also bad. Firstly, it is believed that most of teenagers hate school. For instance, it is boring or too hard. It’s a good reason for disliking adolescence.Secondly, teenagers can’t drive a car. A car is a good advantage of being an adult. It is quite helpful for people who need to go places farther away or for people whose house is too far from school. Thirdly, earning money for underage people is very hard or even impossible. Teenagers’ parents give them money, but not always it is enough, so there is a need to earn extra money. To sum up it is a time with both – advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I believe that adolescence is a happy time. It’s only the matter of fact how people spend it.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Nucor Uses an Integrated Approach to Employee Motivation Essay

Nucor Uses an Integrated Approach to Employee Motivation - Essay Example Nucor’s HRD program is consistent with Maslow in providing a fixed, though comparatively lower level, of regular pay, just enough for the worker to meet his basic sustenance. But at Nucor higher pay must be justified by higher productivity, which in effect pertains to the workers’ esteem needs through pride in their workmanship. By linking good workmanship with performance bonuses, Nucor is able motivate its workers to be rewarded not only financially but with a feeling of pride in their work. Alderfer’s ERG Theory builds on Maslow’s Theory but groups the needs into a simpler hierarchy of Existence, Relatedness and Growth needs. But Alderfer differs from Maslow in that the ERG hierarchy need not be satisfied one level before the other, that is, a lower motivator does not need to be satisfied before higher motivators take over. In Nucor, this was evident in the situation in Hickman, where company electricians, without any order from supervisors, took the initiative to respond to an emergency including defraying traveling expenses from their own pockets and working 20-hour shifts to repair the damage. The case study states that this was done without any extra remuneration nor any kind of financial incentive. This is indicative of the ERG theory, since the workers fulfilled their relatedness and growth needs (i.e., pride in their company and commitment to their job) even above and beyond additional pay that would have meant to fulfilling existence needs. On the other hand, McClelland’s acquired-needs theory (also three advances the proposition that an individuals’ specific needs are acquired over time and are shaped by life experiences. The needs are classified as either achievement (nAch), affiliation (nAff) or power (nPow), and that a person’s motivation and effectiveness on the job are influences by these three needs. All three of these needs are present in Nucor’s system,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Tata case - pricing Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tata - pricing - Case Study Example This is in addition to the research and development situated in those same parts of countries. Its first commercial vehicle was manufactured in 1954 with a company called Daimler- Benz (Bhaktavatsala, 1993). After acquiring stakes in a Hispano Carrocera which specializes in manufacturing buses and coaches and from then, decided to also venture in bus and coach manufacturing. The company has been involved a spree of acquiring stakes in companies or forming joint ventures with other car manufacturing and then doing the same production. Examples of the companies it has partnered with through acquiring their stakes or through joint ventures or even buying include, jaguar Land rover, Hispano Carrocera, Marcopolo, Daewoo, Trilix and many others. This is in a bid to cut on the cost of having to start a new product altogether. Tata is an Indian company that with a vision to manufacture cheap and affordable vehicles targeting Indian population whose middle class has been rising with time. Its first fully indigenous passenger car was launched in the year 1998 and nick named it the Indica. In an attempt to manufacture even more cheap and affordable cars for the Indian population who prefer travelling together with their family members, Tata launched in 2008 a small but spacious car called Tata Nano. This car was the cheapest world-wide by the time it was launched. The company in trying to set affordable but right prices for its Nano cars seem to have had some considerations in mind including profitability to the company, economic status of Indians, the prices of Nano Parts, and the installations that are put in it. The company’s design of the car makes the car cheap by not having expensive stereos that normally accompany expensive cars. The company worked from top downwards to arrive at this affordable car to many. They first set the highest price then worked downwards to design and develop a car with materials that would add up to this amount. The