Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Property Law Essay - 3850 Words

Property Law (Essay Sample) Content: ADVERSE POSSESSIONBy Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameCode + Course NameInstitution of LearningCity, StateDateADVERSE POSSESSIONIf a person occupies a land for some time and then acquires legal title to it, he is said to have acquired it through adverse possession. Adverse possession is however limited to only personal and real property. This implies that public land like schools or playground cannot be claimed through this means.[] Adverse possession started way back in the 12th century. Factual possession alone was enough proof that the occupant had the right to possess that piece of land. Squatters have gradually appeared to be favored by the law more than the true owners of land. As long as a squatter had proof of having occupied a land for more than 60 years exclusively, he was capable of barring the true and owner from taking any action against him. In 1939, the Statute of Limitations was amended and it was stated that a landownerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s title to a land would expire after a squatter had occupied the land exclusively for 20 years. Later it was further amended and this time was reduced from 20 to twelve years.[] The first English law regarding adverse possession was in the Statute of Westminster in 1275 and it limited the true landowners from recovering their lands from the squatters. Due to the high level of illiteracy in Early England, records related to land were poor and therefore, the best proof of land ownership was only by possession. Land was valued in terms of its capability to produce and not for its basic value. This implied that the person who made use of the land for the benefit of the society was considered as the one deserving to hold the title to the land other than the real owner who just paid the taxes but made no use of the land. This is how adverse possession came to be though today, most cases of adverse possession concern land disputes regarding boundaries.[] This essay will focus on todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s state of law in advers e possession, how one can succeed can succeed in making a claim for the same, and the importance of legislative rules that have been recently been put in place. It will also evaluate the Human Rights Act 1998 and the case law that is relied on by both the European and the national courts. In conclusion, it will assess and evaluate if the current state of law in the same context is just.For a squatter to succeed in acquiring a title by adverse possession, the time for his ejection must have elapsed as stated in the Statute of Limitations after which it is impossible for the real owner to recover ownership of his property. The theory behind adverse possession assumes that the true owner of the property neglected it and therefore, the trespasser who treated it as his own is recognized as the owner. Anyone from individuals to the government can become an adverse possessor.[] The two requirements for an adverse possession claim to succeed are physical possession or occupation of a proper ty and the aim to take ownership of it without the consent of the owner. This means that the claimant treats the property as his or her own by doing what he or she pleases with it. In the case "Pye v Graham (2001)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , it appeared hard for the claimant to prove his plan to possess the land adversely because the landowner had allowed him to make use of the land.Likewise in the case of factual possession, the adverse possessor has to demonstrate physical possession of the land by doing as he pleases with it against the ownerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s will. This means that implied licenses, taking a lease or tilling the land with the ownerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s permission is not applicable in judgment in favor of title by adverse possession.[D. Macintyre, Adverse Possession of Land. The Cambridge Law Journal, 2009. pp 33-34.] The elements that need to be established for the adverse possessor to acquire title are:ActualClaiming land ownership merely by paying taxes without occupying it is not suffic ient. Actual occupation or temporary use of land with the intention of keeping it for oneself is required for adverse possession to take place. This can be established by examining if the possessor is putting into use the land in a way that the owner of a similar property would do, for instance planting crops or trees and harvesting. This is what indicates actual possession of the property.[Jourdan, S, Adverse possession. London: Bloomsbury Professional, 2011. P.20.] HostileHostility does not necessarily mean that there has to be a physical fight. It means that the trespasser must occupy the land against the landownerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s will. This hostility must exist throughout the entire of statutory period if the title is to mature. An example of this is a case where a person was given a color of title due to a legal disability as at the time when the deed was executed. Some part of a color title is usually defective but seems to indicate that the occupant of a land is actually the owne r which is not the case. This color of title becomes an actual title if the adverse possessor has been in possession of the land through this manner for the entire statutory period.[] Open and notoriousThe adverse possessor must occupy the property openly for the world to see as secretly doing so will not give him or her any rights legally. He/she must behave as the true owner of the property. This kind of behavior is described as open and notorious especially when the adverse possessor actually resides in the property. The claimantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s possession should be so notorious to attract the attention of the owner, public or the neighborhood. This gives the owner notice that he/she will lose the property if he/she fails to try to recover it within a certain period of time.[Boudewijn, B, Property Law and Economics: Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. 2nd edn, Edward Elgar Publishing, vol.5, 2010. Pp 27-30.] ExclusiveExclusivity means that the trespasser must have occupied the proper ty solely. He or she can prove this by showing buildings that he or she may have constructed in the land. Joint tenants can claim title by adverse possession. However, a trespasser cannot possess a property jointly with the landowner. In cases where many people or the public have used the property, exclusive adverse possession cannot be established.[] ContinuousThis means daily control or regular occupation of the land. This has to exist during the entire statutory period if title by adverse possession is to be given. If a person only occupies a part of the land continuously, he/she will only be given the title to only that part. Continuity does not necessarily imply sole occupation. The property can have different successive occupants and these time periods can be combined to meet the requirement of continuity. This happens only if privities exist between the people involved and the combination of these time periods is referred to as tacking. Privities can be describing as transfer ring of ownership from one owner to another so that it is occupied continuously by the possessor. These parties usually have related interests to the property either in terms of sale, inheritance or in a case of bankruptcy as a possession by a trustee. Tacking is only allowed in cases where the previous owner had been under color of title or adverse.[Marianne, J, Real Estate Law, 10th edn, Cengage Learning, 2013. P. 52.] The following are the cases in which continuity is breached. Firstly, if any time passes between the end of the previous occupantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s possession and the beginning of the next partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s occupation. This implies in continuity and tacking will therefore, not be allowed. Secondly, if a lawsuit commences by the true owner over the ownership right against the adverse claimant. This holds if the lawsuit is successful in the final judgment. However, if the owner decides to abandon a lawsuit against the adverse claimant or if the suit is dismissed by the cour t, there is no breach in continuity of the property.Thirdly, unhidden and notorious deeds and entrance into the land by the land owner with the aim of reclaiming its possession and lastly, abandoning the property with intent before the end of the statutory period.If continuity is breached, whether for a short or long period of time, the possession of property as at that time is restored to the true owner.[Jourdan, S, Adverse possession. London: Bloomsbury Professional, 2011.pp 44-86.] Statutory periodThis indicates the time period which the adverse claimant must have occupied the property for him/her to acquire title by adverse possession.[Boudewijn, B, Property Law and Economics: Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. 2nd edn, Edward Elgar Publishing, vol.5, 2010. P.40.] The Land Registration Act 2002 has laid down some restrictions regarding application of title by adverse possession. Some of the restrictions laid out in the Land Registration including the following.[Stake, Jefrey E, The Uneasy Case for Adverse Possession, Faculty Publications. Paper 221, 2001.] Firstly, if the adverse claimant is a defendant in a case going on relating to land possession or a ruling related to the same has been made against him/her in the last two years before the date of application (Schedule 6, paragraph 1(3)). Secondly, if the adverse claimant has been an enemy to the registered owner for more than one year as at the application date (Schedule 6, paragraph 8(1)).Thirdly, in a case where the registered owner is mentally unstable and is therefore unable to make sound decisions (Schedule 6, paragraph 8(2)). Finally yet importantly, if the land was on trust at any given time for the last 10 years at the time of the application (Schedule 6, paragraph 12).The Land Registry is not capable of defining where the boundaries should be positioned precisely. This implies that it is possible for a...

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Build Your First College List Full Guide -

There are so many parts to the college application process that it can be overwhelming both to the students and their families. It doesnt end with passing requirements and a college admission essay. The amount of work you have to accomplish before you are deemed qualified to attend a college can be overwhelming. College is a huge investment, requiring effort, time, and other resources. In order to get started, you need to build your college list. Your college list sets the pace for the rest of your college life, and its important to refine and evaluate accordingly. Research shows that one-third of students transfer at least once, which is why its significant to make a college list best for you to avoid wasting time and money for a college that wasnt a good fit in the first place. Starting to build your college list requires work, too, so here are some ways weve gathered on how to make a college list.IntrospectionThe best way to build your college list is to start with self-evaluation . Ask yourself some questions regarding your interests, your hobbies, your passion, and your goals for the future. These questions will aid you to focus on your college search, as it helps you create a personalized college list. It also gives you an initial sense of what you want to see and experience for this next phase of your life.Start earlyIt is recommended to start the college hunt during junior year to give ample time for decisions. Preferably, place the same priority on creating your college list as with preparing for the SAT. Making a college choice worth remembering requires strategy. The trick is not to wait until senior year, as that year is reserved for college applications. Waiting too long to make a college list could mean losing potential colleges that could be a great fit.Research!Building your college list is one thing, but digging deeper to find more about these schools is another thing. Research is a highly significant part of the college process and we cant str ess enough. Start by curating a list of all the colleges that you find interesting. Include all possible schools, from the top universities down to lesser-known schools. After that, dig a little deeper and find out if these fulfill your personal needs. It is also important to take note of these meet both your financial and academic needs, to make college memorable. Research on course programs, majors and minors, professors, as well as campus activities that you deem important on the schools website. These days, schools bank on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, mostly handled by students. This is a good way to stay updated on campus news and events. This is also an avenue for you to reach out should you wish to find out more.Keep an open mindIts easy to set your eyes and heart on colleges youve heard amazing things about. Getting started with your college list can get exciting, especially if the schools could be boasting about sports championships, fam ous alumni, or rich history. It could be your familys alma mater, or your friends raving about it. However, remember to keep an open mind. Creating a college list without being open to other possibilities will be pointless. Be open to other colleges. Just because a college is well-known or your familys alma mater doesnt mean its the perfect fit for you. Remember that it is your future, more than making a college list, thats at stake.Talk about financesTuition fees at colleges are expensive, and go up every year. Creating a possible college list shouldnt solely be about expenses. Ruling specific colleges out can narrow down college list fast, and possibly not for good reasons. Its highly possible that the school offers financial aid, or you qualify for a scholarship. Its important to talk about resources with your family how much your current finances can be able to pay and how much debt you can take on. It is known that a lot of students apply only to state colleges and universitie s because of lower costs compared to private colleges. While that may be true, private schools offer large grants and generous scholarships based on either merit or need. Its best to keep these on your draft of the college list for future references.Consider the distance from homeWhile it may not be the most significant aspect of your college decisions, creating an effective college list must also include your home. Remember that college is a huge phase of your life and requires many changes. Make sure the distance of the school from your home is something youre comfortable with. There are things to consider such as the frequency of you returning home to see your family, dealing with homesickness, and even your medical condition. If these things are important to you, create your college list according to those. Your college life is but an aspect of your entire life.Prioritize according to fitAt this point, you must already have a final college list, but theres a problem. Its a BIG c ollege list. A college may be a good or bad fit, and its important to narrow down your college choices. Research emphasizes the implication of students understanding the difference between match and fit. The match involves factors that include your grades and scores. Fit, on the other hand, is more personal. It could include geography, a sense of belonging, and cultural identity. Talking to your friends and family can also help narrow down colleges further.Visit the collegeWhile research can play a huge role in your notes listed as my college list, visiting the actual school can help in the process of determining the best fit for you significantly. There are information seminars with admissions officers, tours around the campus, and sometimes even seeing classes in session. Editing your college list is about whats important to you, and if the academic courses offered by the colleges meet your expectations.Making a college list is exhausting and time-consuming, but the long-term resu lts are well worth it. Now that you know where to start, remember to keep editing your college list. Remember these steps on how to make a college list to keep you on track!Writing services for studentsMaking a college list will help you make an informed decision, clarifying the universities and colleges you want to enter. Along the way, you will have to write application essays to explain why your chosen university has to accept you as a student. Your creativity and writing abilities will be deeply challenged. Moreover, you can seek the help of writing services like . We can help you with whatever essay or paper you need assistance with. Our professional pool of writers will be happy to support you as you venture off to your college years. Contact us for any inquiries and our people will get back to you right away.