Thursday, October 31, 2019

To what extent China's historical period since 1978 still shape Essay

To what extent China's historical period since 1978 still shape China's contemporary society How has this been a constituting milestone to modern development or a hindering handicap - Essay Example The policies undertaken by Deng Xiaoping and the subsequent government were aimed at increasing the investments in the industrial sectors and meeting the demands of the people of the country. The political ideologies of the Communist governments changed since 1978. The historical period since 1978 in China has influenced the development of the contemporary societies. The policies of economic liberalization have stimulated the process of increasing demand in the company. This has increased the level of liquidity and has changed the lifestyle of the people of China. The contemporary societies and the lifestyles have been influenced by the economic reforms of the government since 1978. The policy reforms implemented by the Chinese governments have been a milestone for the modern development of China and its rapid growth in a short span of time. The differences between the economic reforms of China and Russia have also been discussed in this work. The socio-political and economic issues in China are wide ranged and varied and can be identified to be rooted from the vast cultural and political history of China, the different economic reforms implemented in China in the late 1970s and the immense population and its growth in China. China demonstrates a bubble economy and a weak social balance which are combined to make the country an unstable one where a number of social, political and economic issues prevail (Jing, 2001, p.4). China is mainly a communist state where the external environment related to conducting business in the country has several socio=political and economic issues. The environment for conducting business in the country is a challenging and complex environment. The political framework as well as the legal structure in China is highly unstable making it difficult for businesses to establish their operations there. The various economic reforms that have been implemented in the 1970s in China have caused increas ing

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