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Essay Benjamin Franklin Autobiography - 827 Words

Nick Silva Howard-Pitney History 17A November 19, 2012 Essay B â€Å"And now I speak of thanking God, I desire with all Humility to acknowledge, that I owe the mentiond Happiness of my past Life to his kind Providence, which led me to the Means I usd and gave them Success.† (Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 28) I chose this quote to open this essay because it’s one of the first things Franklin talks about when he takes over in his autobiography. It shows that he has a relationship with god because he gives god the credit for all of the things he had accomplished. Throughout his biography he mentions religion quite a few times. He opposes organized religion, which according to him consists of: Attending Church,†¦show more content†¦He also talks about how he doesn’t mind contributing to the local Presbyterian minister’s salary even though he hardly attended, or really paid attention to his sermons. It’s all because of Franklin’s very progressive process of thought. He didn’t think like most of the people around him, he was able to see that some things didn’t make sense and he would oppose said thoughts that most people agreed with because of their faith. â€Å"It will be remarkd that, tho my Scheme was not wholly without Religion there was in it no Mark of any of the distinguishing Tenets of any particular Sect.† (Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 102) This is just him pointing out that his beliefs are not without the ideals that religion has put out there, but that he is not a part of any sole religion. Ironically, in a way, he is part of his own personalized religion. It’s not one many people are part of, but he follows his own rules, beliefs and traditions. Now, I wouldn’t call Benjamin Franklin a VERY religious person, but I definitely would say he is religious. My reasoning for this is because yes, he does believe in god, and has his own customs for what he believes in, but he doesn’t focus everything he talks about on religion. He is also one ofShow MoreRelatedThe Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin1966 Words   |  8 PagesThe Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin and Blaine McCormick we got a wonderful look into the life of Benjamin Franklin. In his story he taught use a lot about the world of business and how to run a successful business. In this essay I will be talking about some of the few things Ben Franklin said that really stood out to me and what I think they meant. Then, I will talk about his inventions and how those inventions had evolved today. Then, I will talk about Ben Franklin 13 secretsRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin1367 Words   |  6 PagesPrater 23 November 2014 Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is a detailed account of the illustrious experiences of Benjamin Franklin. 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